National Functional Bowen™ Institute Class Schedule

Upcoming Classes:

Functional Bowen™ Concepts I ©

 Download PDF (Silver Spring MD, March 2020)

Offered By Judy Terwilliger, RN (#322974), CMT (#25334)

Advanced Functional Bowen™ Therapist

Silver Springs Class:

Friday, Saturday and Sunday, March 6, 7 & 8, 2020

Location: Potomac Massage Therapy Institute, 8380 Colesville Rd #600, Silver Spring, MD 20910

Time:8:00 AM to 5:30 PM on 3/6 & 3/7 and 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM on 3/8

(23 Contact Hours)

Download PDF (Silver Spring MD, March 2020)


grays anatomy man

Medical and Allied Health Professionals (MD, DO, DC, NP, PA, DDS, PT, OT, RN, and Clinical Rehab Managers), as well as other professionals with a license to put their hands on others such as Nurse Midwives, Massage Therapists and so on. Check your local city/county and/or state requirements.


This course is a 3-day (23 hours) intensive class designed for those who want to learn the concepts, therapeutic techniques and process application strategies related to this method. It is an immersion in this form of therapeutic, hands-on approach to directed muscle release, related assessment skills, collaborative strategy benefits, and its effectiveness in pain management, the rehabilitative process and/or dealing with mobility impairments. It is lecture-based followed by ample demonstration and a time of hands-on learning with others in attendance (Student to faculty ratio is 12:1 or less). This course includes all items listed below and has a strongly suggested functional anatomy book** as follows.

Additionally, this course serves as the foundational requirement for all other Functional Bowen™ Concepts classes taught. Certification of course completion is provided.


Participants will be able to:

  • Verbally demonstrate knowledge of the interrelationship between patients’ medical history, lifestyle choices, their presenting posture as assessed, and the outcomes seen in muscle pattern dysfunctions noted with associated pain pathways.
  • Improve upon their postural assessment techniques for the purpose of quickly evaluating interrelated structural deviations to be differentiated / identified, therapeutically addressed and evaluated for corrections observed in the moment and with follow up therapy.
  • Differentiate between individual hypertonic muscles and muscle groups, identifying possible associated impingement syndromes, and learn the specifically associated structural deviations that present in these cases.
  • Differentiate between muscle dysfunction patterns and related structural outcomes for the purpose of understanding how best to develop a plan of corrective action through active muscle release and passive and active range of motion, as well as therapeutic exercise.
  • Demonstrate by means of direct participation the acquisition of basic muscle release and balance skills that will assist them in actively correcting structural deviations.
  • Communicate and demonstrate ongoing assessment strategies for assessing muscle compliance progress and related patient/client outcomes.
  • Identify the need for and articulate a plan of care using collaborative strategies, with allied health-providers, referral resources and patient/client care advocates.


Silver Spring MD: $849.00: Price includes all course materials. Full payment is due at the time of registration or by Friday, 02/21/19. Cancellations up through 02/28/20 will be assessed a $100.00 administrative fee. No refunds will be made after 02/28/20. Registration space is limited and will be handled on a first come, first served basis. Minimum class size must be met.

Reference Materials

Students will be provided access to the following textbook for the duration of the class as a reference. No additional separate purchase is necessary as these books will be on loan for classroom use. Title: Christy Cael: Functional Anatomy – Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Palpation for Manual Therapists, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, ISBN 9781609138363. Further a separate course handbook is provided for each student attending as part of their registration fee.

Contact Hours/CE’s

A California Board of Registered Nursing Approved Provider #CEP15569, 23 Contact Hours; NCBTMB Provider #1049, 23 Contact Hours, CPTA Provider 2.3 CE’s (Pending). Full attendance is required. No partial contact hours will be issued for partial attendance.


Please use our secure automated online site at You may contact our office via email at or call us at (916) 834-1711 for questions.

Course Schedule

For an overview, please see here

Functional Bowen™ Therapy Concepts II © : The Pediatric Application for Health Care Professionals©

Download PDF (Chapel Hill, NC, June 2020)

Offered By Judy Terwilliger, RN (#322974),

Date: June 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th

Location: Chapel Hill Country Club

103 Lancaster Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 275170

Times: 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM on 6/04, 6/05 & 6/06, 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM on 6/07

Target Audience

Medical and Allied Health Professionals (MD, DO, DDS, DC, NP, PA, RN, CNMW, PT, OT) and those whose licenses allow them to affect tissue movement as a part of their scope of practice.


This course is an intensive version of the Functional Bowen™ Pediatric Application Process that has been specifically designed for those licensed Healthcare Professionals in the Breastfeeding, Maternal/Child Health & Family Support Field.


Baby Nursing

This course is a 3.5 day intensive packed with myo-fascial movement theory using a “global” approach to structural assessment and hands-on practice in use of The Pediatric Functional Bowen™ Method. This course teaches the clinician advance skills in working to resolve structural barriers in the mother/infant dyad who struggle with breastfeeding difficulties/dysfunctions. Further, it explores advanced assessment skills in determining those predisposing factors relating to these barriers and their possible effects on infant “functional mobility” in the achievement/retention of successful breastfeeding, normal structural development as well as meeting developmental milestones. The information acquired in this course is devoted to learning advanced muscle release techniques in this patient population. It is lecture based with ample demonstration and practice with classmates (student to faculty ratio is 12:1 or less).


Baby boy

The following objectives will be measured by active student discussion and demonstration during hands-on participation in each practicum session of the course. Participants will be able to:

  • Verbally demonstrate advanced knowledge of the interrelationship between patient’s birth/medical history including predisposing factors affecting an infant’s/child’s “functional mobility”, presenting posture as assessed to include often unseen muscle-related structural barriers and the outcomes observed in muscle pattern dysfunctions noted (i.e. breastfeeding and mobility challenges).
  • Demonstrate advanced postural assessment techniques for the purpose of quickly evaluating interrelated structural deviations to be differentiated/identified, therapeutically addressed and evaluated for corrections observed in the moment and with follow up therapy.
  • Demonstrate advanced differentiation between individual hypertonic muscles and muscle groups, identifying possible associated impingement syndromes, and learn the specifically associated structural deviations that present in these cases.
  • Demonstrate an advanced understanding of muscle dysfunction patterns and related structural outcomes for the purpose of understanding how best to develop a plan of corrective action through active muscle release with passive and active range of motion, as well as suggested parent-based home therapeutic exercise.
  • Demonstrate by means of direct participation, the acquisition of advanced muscle release and balance skills that will assist in actively correcting structural deviations.
  • Communicate and demonstrate ongoing advanced assessment strategies for assessing muscle compliance progress and evaluating related patient/client outcomes.
  • Demonstrate the use of collaborative strategies with parents/caregivers, allied health providers, referral resources, and patient/client care advocates.


$879.00: Price includes all course materials.

Reference Materials: Students will be provided access to the following textbook for the duration of the class as a reference. No additional separate purchase is necessary as these books will be on loan for classroom use. Title: Christy Cael: Functional Anatomy – Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Palpation for Manual Therapists, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, ISBN 9781609138363. Further a separate course handbook is provided for each student attending as part of their registration fee.

Suggested Resource: It is suggested that students gain access to this reference or another Pediatric Developmental Anatomy & Physiology resource. Chamley, Carol, E.d.D. M.Ed.BA.RN: Developmental Anatomy and Physiology of Children: A Practical Approach, Elsevier Limited, 2005, ISBN-13 9780443073410, ISBN-10 0443073414

Contact Hours/CE’s

A California Board of Registered Nursing Approved Provider #CEP15569, 28 Contact Hours; NCBTMB Provider #1049, 28 Contact Hours. Full attendance is required. No partial contact hours will be issued for partial attendance.


Please use our secure automated online site here. You may also email your questions to or contact us at (916) 834-1711.

Full payment is due at the time of registration or by Thursday, 05/15/20. Cancellations up through 05/28/20 will be assessed a $100.00 administrative fee. No refunds after 05/28/20. Registration space is limited
and will be handled on a first come first served basis. Additionally class size must meet minimum number.  PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SPONSORING ENTITY.

Course Schedule

For an overview please see here

Class Evaluation of Functional Bowen™ Therapy Concepts II © – The Pediatric Application For Health Care Professionals

“I thoroughly enjoyed how eye-opening this class was! Seeing the dysfunctions on an actual child and seeing them resolved only made me more exited to learn this…amazing! The progression pictures were so very helpful to solidify the concept of what happens in the body when dysfunction isn’t released early. Watching while children were worked on was so helpful, as was having Judy go through how to deal with different age groups.”  – C. Decker, LMT

“I appreciate Judy’s ability to read her audience! She provides very technical information in a practical manner. She is impacting health care wherever she presents. Judy is very relatable, understanding, empathetic, knowledgeable and effective. She is improving the quality of life one infant at a time!” – D. Decker, RN

“Judy has an excellent manner of explaining and demonstrating Functional Bowen™ Therapy in a way that a parent/caregiver is able to understand and continue what is done by the therapist at home.

Through this advanced assessment, including maternal history and the mother/child’s birth experience, one can easily understand the treatment objectives to be accomplished. Further the therapeutic outcome of the child with significant dysfunction, as demonstrated in class, was phenomenal.

“Judy is a natural teacher with extensive knowledge and experience. She’s passionate about helping others, who seek to help their patients/family, to be successful participants in the healing process.”  – A. Etter, RN

“Amazing! Every Nurse or Healthcare Professional should attend. Judy has taken Western Medicine’s scope of practice, which is typically narrowed in vision and completely opened up the healthcare practitioner’s perspective, offering a new and effective approach to assessment and care of these newborns, infants and children.”  – H. Gillan, RN, CMT

“Excellent course! Thank you for your excellent, compassionate, and integrative work. The hands-on practice was imperative and your individualized attention to each participant’s needs was extremely helpful and supportive. The days are long but full of detail that makes it very worthwhile. Can’t wait to begin practicing right away!” – N. Johanson, SLP/CLC

“I very much enjoyed this program and recommend all lactation consultants take it. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. – K. Poremba, RN, IBCLC

“Very, very helpful to observe treating children. Explanations were clear and illustrations made things clearer.” – L. Potter, L Ac

“It’s amazing how Functional Bowen™ Therapy can be applied to the pediatric population in helping correct early myofascial dysfunctional patterns and promote normal developmental growth.

Judy does an excellent job teaching and explaining the course objectives and concepts. She applies scientific knowledge and results from her own evidence-based practice to her class. I enjoyed the hands-on learning environment.” – J. Salonga, RN, CMT

“As a therapist who has seen mainly adults previously, I feel it’s important to take this class to provide even more well-rounded adult-patient care, using these advanced assessment skills. I have used the Functional Bowen Method™ in my practice for several years now and find it amazingly effective. I attended to learn how best to apply it in the care of this age population.

Pursuing therapy for children of any age this course is essential because it stresses the effects of fascial pulling across the human frame. It also teaches a better way to think about, assess, and help through corrective body-work those structural dysfunctions in the infant/child population that often interrupts their growth and development.

I was impressed by the emotional/social component discussed relating to the parents as primary team-members and essential participants in the care of their child. This course provides clues at all levels and stages of growth that help the therapist better understand what dysfunctional issues they are actually seeing, quite possibly over time, and how best to help make positive changes.

These changes should be addressed especially in children who are unable to communicate for themselves to let us know what is wrong. Finally, this class gave us tools to alleviate their suffering/difficulties, thereby increasing their opportunity to grow in a healthy way and be successful in life.”  – B. Shields, CMP

Speakers Bio

Judy Terwilliger is a Registered Nurse of 40 years, concurrently a Certified Massage Therapist and Functional Mobility Specialist for 17 years. She maintains a broad base of practice spanning four decades. Currently she oversees a busy pain management practice in Sacramento CA, and works extensively with rehabilitation physicians, pediatric healthcare practitioners and other allied health care specialists to effect therapeutic change across a broad range of myofascial/muscle pattern dysfunctions. From infants to seniors she promotes functional mobility, focusing on a wellness paradigm, therapeutically utilizing a tensegrity-based modality that she has developed and teaches nationwide called The Functional Bowen Method™. It is uniquely focused on affecting fascial change where disruption of any kind has impacted muscle pliability, response and flexibility. Read about Our Functional Bowen Method™ here.

This multi-disciplined, training oriented, integrative focus is what sets her business apart from others. She and her staff of licensed therapists and practitioners work on “Incorporating Concepts in Natural Body Design & Restoration”. Combining her Western Medicine background with her Complimentary Medicine studies, her focus on structure-function balance in the field of pain-management, from infants to seniors, using her Functional Bowen Method™ has seen many successes.

She currently is an active member of the National Society of Pediatric Nurses, the American College of Sports Medicine and has been a featured speaker on the subject of myofascial dysfunction assessment and resolves both nationally as well as internationally. Curriculum Vitae/Education

Meet the Instructor…

Need to sign up for a class? Here’s our our registraton page.

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