Kid’s Korner™ Testimonials

Pediatric Bowen™ – A Functional Approach

Parent’s Share Their Children’s /Families Success Stories – Post Traumatic Birth Experience – What Helped & Why.

Professional /Personal Testimonials

In my work with breastfeeding mothers and babies, I quite frequently encounter babies whose ability to feed efficiently and/or comfortably is compromised – mildly to severely – by body tension and/or structural issues such as ankyloglossia. In my experience, babies could have body tension issues without tongue-tie, but I’ve never seen a tongue-tied baby without body tension that needed to be addressed, preferably before and after revision.

Other causes of pathologic body tension could include sub-optimal intra-uterine lie (prenatal), or a difficult, long, or heavily managed birth. The resulting tension can make it difficult or impossible for the infant to open its mouth sufficiently for an adequate latch, and cause dysfunctional tongue function, whether “tied” or not. I ordinarily refer these kinds of cases for Bowen therapy, which addresses the root causes of abnormal body tension.

The results I’ve observed are nothing short of miraculous. Not only has breastfeeding been saved, but many other bodily functions in the infant are normalized, and the mothers’ misery relieved and sanity restored.

I consider Judy Terwilliger an essential part of the healthcare team for these patients. –A. Butler, BA-MCH, IBCLC

My baby daughter, Penny, struggled to breastfeed and lost weight rapidly.  This affected our bonding and my confidence in my ability to be a mother.  It also affected her disposition. Many mothers struggle with this and they aren’t alone.

I was referred by a friend who witnessed my frustration, depression and stress. She is also an adult patient/client of Flexibly Fit™. After receiving therapy and being referred to an amazing chiropractor, Penny is developing on track, if not more quickly. I enjoy being a mother and we have bonded completely now. We aren’t just “getting by” but enjoying the process of raising a child even when things are difficult.

As a parent, I feel confident in my abilities and the support I have to ensure Penny is healthy and happy.  If I had not gone to Kids’ Korner™, I don’t know that I would be as happy and bonded with Penny as I am today. It really helped me to feel in control of her care and the results have allowed us to enjoy positive time together. I don’t think Penny would have the adequate rest and muscle range to both emotionally and physically develop as quickly as she is. – Amy H., Special Education Aid Currently working on her Masters in Special Education

As a new mom and an occupational therapist, I wanted the best beginning for my son. When we were struggling with his latch in the first weeks, we were referred to Functional Bowen™ Therapy with Judy Terwilliger. After her thorough assessment we learned of his multiple structural problems related to his birth journey including a severe case of cervical strain from the vacuum. We entered into a supportive and educational relationship with multiple treatments to assist him to establish normal muscle tone.

Now as we celebrate his first birthday we proudly acknowledge and credit Functional Bowen™ as a treatment that lead to his successful milestone achievements! Thank you Judy. – K. Love, M.S., OTR/L

Individual Testimonials

If it weren’t for my wife’s second Lactation Consultant introducing us to Functional Bowen™ therapy and referring us to Judy, we don’t have the slightest idea how our child’s health would be today. Skeptical at first, we decided to give Functional Bowen™ therapy.

My wife was having strong contractions for three long nights with little sleep. On the fourth day we decided to make an appointment with our midwife. She recommended that we go to the hospital immediately because my wife was in labor, but hadn’t dilated at all. We had planned for a natural birth; however, things didn’t go as planned.

My wife was exhausted and didn’t have much energy left, so she accepted an Epidural and Pitocin shot. That was a long agonizing night for my wife and baby. After an immeasurable five days, our son was born.

About two weeks later our son’s swollen head had gone away, but we noticed a bump and ring behind his head. My wife was having an excruciating time breastfeeding also, so we scheduled an appointment to see our pediatrician. The pediatrician said the bump was normal and would go away as the baby grew.

Seeing my wife go through a painful labor and then see her crying because she was in so much pain from breastfeeding was difficult. I persuaded her not to give up and we called a lactation consultant. The lactation consultant was a great help; however, she noticed the baby’s hands were shaky and the bump on his head. She recommended we see a Functional Bowen™ therapist and explained how it worked.

We decided to try the Functional Bowen™ therapist our lactation consultant recommended us. We had our son evaluated by the Functional Bowen™ therapist and began therapy. She told us we would see results after two or three sessions. She was right! Our son’s hands stopped shaking and my wife was breastfeeding painless. His head also began moving both ways easier.

Our son was five weeks old when he started therapy and now he is five months old. The bump on head is almost gone. Judy and her team worked on his back muscles, arms, legs, and his neck to get rid of the bump. After each session he would take a long nap. Judy showed us a few exercises we could do three or four times a day at home to help release tension in his arms and legs.

Presently he is a happy baby with grateful parents. Functional Bowen™ therapy was a miracle for us. We had never heard of Functional Bowen™ therapy before and think more people should know how great it is. If we could recommend it to other parents we would because we definitely know that it helped our son.  If we could go back in time, we would do it all over again because nothing can explain how happy it makes us to see our son happy and growing.

Daniel & Edith D.

My son came to Judy after four months of being hypertonic to the point of almost being catatonic.  He could not lift his arms above his ears, nursed very poorly as a result of this; he also had nearly debilitating stiffness in his extremities, back, and neck. At first, I was extremely skeptical of your treatments.  But my wife was firm in her conviction that it was helping.

Sure enough, after a few months, he had a fuller range of passive motion, even being able to move his extremities voluntarily. Prior to these treatments, he did not know that he was able to play with toys. By the summer, William was able to actually roll over on his own. You cannot know the joy and sorrow that such an act brought.

That summer, my skepticism about Functional Bowen™ was definitely on the wane. I was lucky enough to attend your class on Basic Functional Bowen™ Techniques. Having had two family members who did standard massage, and having a background in martial arts and weight training, I knew a fair amount about muscle structures and techniques to relax said structures. The knowledge you gave me was invaluable, as I was able to treat my son on a daily basis.

With your continued treatment, and my ancillary treatments, my son went from being able to simply roll, to actually crawling by the fall. Although William was slow to progress and develop, he has sped up considerably since we first saw you.  He is now running, albeit awkwardly and toddler-like, not simply crawling.  He nurses fine now.  He drinks from my cups, takes food from my hand as I’m eating it, and has started climbing on his toys to get to the tops of dressers. Because I took the Functional Bowen™ Therapy class, I am able to:

• treat him throughout the day if he needs it

• keep him loose enough during the week that you can make
serious headway with him when you see him

For a long time I wondered and worried about William’s life. I worried that he would not grow up healthy and happy. I wondered how all of these physical maladies would affect him cognitively. Now, I don’t worry. Thank you for giving my son back his body and giving my family back its spirit. I cannot tell you enough how knowing Functional Bowen™ has made my family’s life better.

Damian H.High School Latin Teacher