Teen / Adult Home-Based Therapeutics
The complete instructions for each of these designated activities will be a valuable soon for your benefit.
For the present please refer to your therapist for exact instructions. Thank you for your patience!
Judy Terwilliger / Lead Therapist
- Rice Packs
- Epsom Salt Soaks
- For Head / Neck
- Side Bends
- Shoulder Shrugs
- Shoulder / Arms
- Winged Pull Backs
- “Perch” Stretch
- Clock Stretch
- Wall Walks
- Foam Rolls
- Psoas
- Leg Hang
- Assisted Pull
- Rest / Relief Position
- Low Back
- Ball Bridge
- Child’s Pose
- Hips / Rotators
- Soup Stirrers
- Door Hip Rolls
- Legs
- Hamstring Stretch
- Adductor / Inner Thigh
- Butterfly Stretch
- Splits on Wall
- Quad
- Clam Shells
- Bent Knee Dips
- Knee
- Stretch / Pull
- Kick It Out
- Calf / Ankle / Foot
- Sand Scrapers
- Windshield Wipers
- Foot Drops
- Body Inversion
- Swimming
- Yoga Classes