
Flexibly Fit™

Our unique approach focuses on the effective release and balance of tired, achy and often painful muscles and the associated limitations they produce. As a stand alone therapy or as a compliment to other forms of care, Flexibly Fit™’s method works to restore the body’s “functional design,” producing lasting results.


Feel the benefit to your W.O.D., increase your P.R.s and notice improved Recovery Time through the Functional Mobility™ Therapy provided by the S.T.R.I.V.E.™ program: specifically designed for athletes whether amateur, professional or just in love with the sport.

Kids’ Korner™

We are available to evaluate your child for muscle tension and the related dysfunction they may be experiencing. If found to have true neuromuscular tension, you will be offered one or more therapy series for your child, designed to reduce or alleviate this tension.

Functional Bowen™ Therapy

Functional Bowen™ Therapy is a form of functional mobility therapy that utilizes the unique therapeutic tool from the work of Thomas Bowen. It is a proprietary method that differs entirely from the Traditional Bowen Method approach.