Orofacial Corrective Care

Tongue / Lip Tie & Related Dysfunctions

This page, the articles, links and the statements put forward are in support of establishing the presence of the fascial restrictions present, working to resolve them along with the related dysfunction and pain that may be associated. Beyond the Structural Analysis Assessment, the Functional Bowen Method™ below is utilized to release/resolve fascial restrictions and the structural deviations that they produce.

Read about Fascia here

The following information is for health care practitioners and patients/clients seeking help for structural difficulties as a result of a diagnosed or suspected tongue tie, lip tie and or the structural dysfunction created by it such a circumstance.

Simply put however, ALL airway, oral restriction, malocclusion or other orofacial issues are related to a fascial constraint however NOT every fascial constraint is related to a true tongue restriction.

The Functional Bowen Method™ is a more osteopathic based manual therapy technique, that uses the bodies distributive fascial network system to access areas of the body that are: holding the tissues in misalignment, creating muscle pattern distortion, with corresponding systemic misalignment patterns occurring across the three planes of the body, often with multi-level nerve entrapment, observable abnormal structural deviations and referred pain pathways.

Research Articles:

Mandibular Advancement Devices for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnoea Syndrome

Read Here
Journal of Thoracic Disease

Short lingual frenulum as a risk factor for sleep-disordered breathing in school-age Children

Read here
Sleep Medicine Journal

Lingual Frenuloplasty With Myofunctional Therapy

Read Here
Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology Journal

Role of Hyoid Bone in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

This is an educational site with easy to absorb yet
accurate anatomical descriptions of the make up of tongue.

Of special note are the graphics which define and enhance the
genioglossal attachment to the hyoid bone, supporting my
contention that the hyoid plays a vital role in the presence of
an oral tether and produces restriction of the head neck and shoulders
via the omohyoid – see photo and articles on the same.

International Journal of Current Research

Hyoid bone position is of great clinical interest because its plays an important role in maintenance of the the upper upper airway dimensions and an upright natural head posture and in turn Orthodontic treatment objectives may be influenced by the position of the hyoid bone. Position of the the hyoid bone relative to the cranial base and mandible has been of interest in specifically as an indicator of tongue posture and function”. Read more here.

From the International Journal of Current Research

Hyoid Misalignment Article

“This torsion I explained was why the baby had jaw tension and was unable to open for a latch, use his/her tongue correctly or gain an adequate milk transfer. I explained that the pressure from the back of the neck, shoulder and upper back areas were keeping baby’s jaw in a less than functional position…” Read more here

Cervical – Hyoid Torsion By Judy A. Terwilliger, Clinical RN Therapist

More information on the tongue and the intrinsic muscles which only attach to other structures in the tongue.

“There are varying degrees of severity of tongue-tie and in some cases it can restrict the movement of the tongue causing difficulties with breast feeding. The tongue is attached anteroinferiorly by a piece of connective tissue called the frenulum, which lies in the midline…” Read more here

The Tongue by Mike Kenning

|The single biggest breakthrough in the treatment of mild-to-moderate sleep apnoea since CPAP. Vivos Palatal Expansion Appliance

|On May 18th 2018, the Australian Society for Tongue and Lip Ties (ASTLiT) invited Dr. Soroush Zaghi, a highly specialized otolaryngologist and sleep surgeon, to give a lecture on pediatric sleep disordered breathing and maxillofacial development, while paying special attention to tongue-tie.

*Watch video here for Tongue Tie/ Sleep Disorder – Dr. Zaghi MD, ENT .

|Upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are related to the abnormal collapse of the upper airway during sleep. The key to a successful outcome of treatment is proper diagnosis to address the specific sites and patterns of airway obstruction.

*Watch video here for Symposium Lingual Frenum / OSA – Dr. Zaghi MD, ENT